Nomination and Selection of Distinguished Lecturers

The EMCS DL program consists of around 8 Distinguished Lecturers. The term for each Distinguished Lecturer is two years. Currently all terms start and end at the turn of a calendar year.

Nominations of eminent contributors/speakers who pioneered the areas of interest to the EMC society are solicited and submitted to the DLP chair by the EMCS members. Based on a thorough selection process, a new slate of DL speakers is selected and approved by the EMC Society Board of Directors. Selection is based on

  1. Quality and significance of contributions to the field EMC and SI, recognition of EMC expertise, leadership and professional competence
  2. Communication and presentation skills
  3. Relevance of the proposed DL EMC topics, and
  4. Recommendation by EMC Society members.

Nominators are requested to submit a DL nomination with the following:

  1. Up to one page of note detailing why you are considering this nomination (such as, you have witnessed the quality and importance of nominee’s contributions, you have seen nominee’s presentations and impressed by its impact, etc.)
  2. One page summary of nominee’s CV highlighting the affiliations, contact information, contributions, impact and recognitions
  3. A Detailed CV along with a photo.
  4. Two proposed DL topics relevant to the EMCS along with 1-2 para of abstracts for each.

For any DL related queries or submission of DL nominations, contact the current DL Program Chair:

Prof. Ram Achar
Address: Dept of Electronics, Carleton University
5170ME, 1125 Colonel By Drive,
Ottawa, ON – K1S5B6, Canada