TC 9 – Computational Electromagnetics
TC 9 – Computational Electromagnetics
This committee is concerned with broad aspects of Applied Computational Electromagnetic techniques which can be used to model electromagnetic interaction phenomena in circuits, devices, and systems. The primary focus is with the identification of the modeling methods that can be applied to interference (EMC) phenomena, their validation and delineating the practical limits of their applicability. Included are low and high frequency spectral-domain techniques and time-domain methods.
Interested in joining?
If you are an IEEE EMC Society member and would like to join this technical committee, please contact one of the committee officers with your name and IEEE membership number. The committee meets yearly at the IEEE EMC Symposium.
Have ideas?
If you are not an IEEE member but have a comment or suggestion, we would like to hear from you. Please contact an appropriate TC 9 committee officer with your idea.