TC 12 – EMC for Emerging Wireless Technologies
TC 12 – EMC for Emerging Wireless Technologies
This committee is concerned with the EMC design, analysis, modeling, measurement, and testing aspects of Internet of Things,5th Generation of Wireless Communication, Autonomous cars and Phased Array. The committee encourages research including but not limited to the following areas:
- Innovative Wireless Component Design for System Integration: wireless component design with integrated EMC functions and/or meeting certain EMC specifications
- Radio-Frequency Interference and De-sense: characterization and mitigation of interference from digital circuits to wireless antennas
- EMC and OTA Measurement & Testing of Wireless Systems: development of methods and standards for wireless performance and compliance testing
- Wireless Coexistence: interference control/mitigation among various wireless radios, as well as related testing methods and standard development
- Wireless Product or Subsystem EMC: wireless-specific EMC design.