IEEE EMC YP Speakers
IEEE EMC Young Professional Speakers
The EMC+SIPI YPs at the local level are critical to our community. If you have a local EMC (SIPI) Chapter, I highly recommend that you should attend their technical meetings and technical mini-symposiums if available, and become engaged with your nearby EMC +SIPI community. If you do not have a local EMC Chapter, consider starting one perhaps as a joint EMC/AP/MTT chapter. For more details on how to start a local chapter, please reach out to Giordano Spadacini at:
Another thought for established EMC chapters looking to host additional technical discussions is to reach out the handful of established EMC (SIPI) YP folks that have recently been publishing and presenting. Here are some titles to consider that EMC (SIPI) YPs have provided to the EMC SIPI community:
“ESD Generator Tip Current Reconstruction using a Current Probe Measurement at the Ground Strap” (Shubhankar Marathe)
“Investigation of the Effectiveness of RF Absorbers for Mitigation of Automotive Radiated Emission by Measurement and Simulation” (Patrick DeRoy)
Giorgi_Detecting_Latchup_EMCS_v2 “Detecting Latch-up Soft Failure Using an On-Die Sensor and Linux Kernel Log”
Consider reaching out to an EMC+SIPI YP and asking if they are interested in traveling to provide their talk to your local chapter. If you want more info please reach out to Patrick DeRoy –