Chapter Finance
Here are the different ways you could get financial support:
- Chapter Rebate from the Section
- Angel Funds
- Chapter Award (3): Chapter of the Year; Most Improved Chapter; Chapter Founders Award
- Fundraising/mini symposium
Chapter Rebate eligibility
Section awards chapters who are performing. Here are the criterion:
A chapter is required to maintain a membership of not fewer than ten (10) members other than students, and to hold and report not less than two meetings in the technical category per year. Joint chapter meetings (where the chapter is joint with two or more sections) will be credited to the administrative (parent) section
Meeting Activity Report(s): Meeting activity reports are key to unit maintenance and viability. To facilitate accurate reporting, a Meeting Report Form should be submitted via the web for each meeting and contain the information requested in the form fields.
Ensure you fill out the Officers names within 20 days from the election: l
Report your finances on Netsuite (certain section might want you to fill out their form and they will submit it directly to IEEE. Contact your section)
Concentration Bank (not required but strongly suggested by IEEE): rebate direct deposit into the concentration bank. To setup an account, go to http://www.ieee.org/membership_services/services/financial/treasury/concentration.html
Chapter rebate: where your dollar is coming from
- Chapter and affinity group rebate: US$200 for each chapter and/or affinity group meeting minimum requirements.
- Bonus for timeliness: All sections whose reporting (financial, meeting, and officer) is submitted by the third Friday in February 2016 (exact date might change, verify with your section), will receive a 10% bonus of the total rebate.
- Activity bonus: In an effort to encourage activities at the local level, activity bonuses may be awarded as follows:
- All sections reporting ten meetings or more, at least five of which must be of a technical nature, shall receive an additional US$200.
- All subsections reporting ten meetings or more, at least five of which must be of a technical nature, shall receive an additional US$100.
- Joint meetings may be counted toward only one unit’s bonus. For example, joint meetings of different chapters and/or affinity groups may not be counted as a meeting for both units.
- All chapters or affinity groups reporting six or more meetings shall receive an additional US$75; in the case of a chapter, at least six of the reported meetings shall be in the technical category.
Section gets: Membership rebate: US$3 for each member, Graduate Student member, Student, or Associate grade member, US$1.50 for each Affiliate, and US$4 for each Senior or Fellow grade member, based on 31 December 2015 statistics.
The section might reward a % of the bonus to the chapter if they filed on time. It is up to the section therefore it is important to retain your members and increase membership: help the section, help your chapter.
B- Angel Funds $600/year. Refer to this page.
C- Chapter Awards:
The nomination form and criteria of the Chapter of the Year is here.
The nomination form and criteria of the Most Improved Chapter is here.
The Chapter Coordinator will provide the nomination of the new Chapters that got founded for the Chapter Founders Award. Details found here.
D – Fundraising/mini symposium: contact Janet O’Neil (j.n.oneil@ieee.org) for any advice. Need IEEE EMC society material for your conference? Contact the VP of Member Services or the Chapter Coordinator
Making the most of IEEE vTools
Use the IEEE Concentration Bank for the chapter financial account (it will help the chapter to file the L50 financial paperwork faster and easier)