On-Demand Lectures & Events

First 1-day Joint AP/MTT/EMC Distinguished Lecturer Workshop

The Chapter on Antennas and Propagation (AP) of IEEE Croatia, endorsed by the Chapter on Microwave Theory and Technology (MTT) and the Chapter on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) invites you to this event.

WIE – The Journey to Becoming Women Engineers in Colombia

Jointly presented by two extraordinary women engineers, Adriana and Maria Clara, this presentation shares some inspirational stories from their own journey of becoming engineers in Colombia. Through their eyes, we will see how two girls growing up discovered their passion in science and engineering, and how they pursued their dreams despite many challenges. They’ll share their stories of the encouragement they received along the way which guided their careers towards becoming leaders in electronics engineering and bioengineering.



Bloom in the Desert – Women Engineers in the Middle East Women in Engineering Webinar – North America 2023

Jointly presented by Moza and Aaesha, this webinar provides an insight of how women engineers navigate work and life balance as senior research professionals in a top-rated scientific research facility in UAE. They represent a large group of extraordinarily hard-working, well-educated modern Arab women that shine with their expertise and dedication to the engineering field.



ADAS EMC Testing and Vehicle Antenna Measurement

EMC testing of components and full vehicles have been developed over several decades to include all of the on board electronic and electrical modules, more recent vehicle iterations include an increasing number of modules associated with advanced driver features, controlled by more sophisticated modules, using more diverse sensor types and in some cases, over the air V2X communication. These systems are also part of the EMC test regime.
This presentation kicks off with an introduction to current standards as they relate to the design of chambers used for EMC and antenna performance measurements. The focus will then shift to a discussion about the pros and cons of chamber designs with a look at some of the different techniques used, with examples of standard chambers that have been designed for EMC and antenna measurements.


Chapter Meeting and Presentation from Dr. Bruce Archambeault

EMC and Electromagnetics for the Working Engineer 
Electromagnetics theory is surrounded by mystery and magic. Mostly because the mathematics needed to solve Maxwell’s equations are messy enough that most of us avoid them at all costs! EMI/EMC is even worse, and often considered voodoo magic!This presentation is intended to remove the mystery behind EMI/EMC and electromagnetics by explaining things in everyday terms, and without the mathematics. Some of the basic symbols used in mathematics, such as integration, derivatives, and weird vector symbols are explained. Then using these simple explanations, Faraday and Maxwell’s contribution to electromagnetics is explained.
These concepts are not just university-only-interest, they have real world application in the design of electronic equipment both for EMI/EMC control as well as high speed signal quality issues. Faraday’s law is an introduction to inductance, and this presentation will examine inductance and it’s impact on printed circuit board (PCB) design, the concept of “ground”, and return current flow in typical printed circuit board stackups. Various typical mistakes during PCB design that greatly impact the EMI/EMC performance will be demonstrated during this discussion. Simple design approaches that do not increase the cost of the PCB are explained.


Interview with the Recipient of the 2021 IEEE Electromagnetics Award, Professor Constantine A. Balanis

Join Us as Vignesh Rajamani interviews Professor Constantine A. Balanis, Author of the Renowned Textbooks Antenna Theory: Analysis and Design and Advanced Engineering Electromagnetics



Ms. Karen Burnham

Electro Magnetic Applications, Denver, CO, USA

Unintentional Antennas
Abstract: One of the biggest causes of EMC test failures is radiating structures in a unit, whether from the PCB or cabling, that are acting in ways designers never intended. This talk covers basics of antenna theory and how to identify potential radiating “antennas” in your product.

Dr. Robert Kebel

Airbus, Hamburg, Germany

Conducted EMI of an Inverter-Driven Electric Power Train
Due to the electrification in mobility applications, electric (high) power trains become an increasingly important subject of investigating EMI. This talk provides an overview about the systematic root cause of electromagnetic conducted emissions of a power train. Direct current (DC) power sources such as batteries or fuel cells provide the energy for propulsion. Alternating current (AC) electric engines drive the vehicle, because AC engines have advantages in maintenance and reliability. Pulse-width modulating (PWM) inverters convert DC into AC voltages. PWM technology can lead to significant electromagnetic interference (EMI) issues pending e.g. on power level and more electric parameters, which should be chosen early for mitigating the EMI risk. A simple predictive simulation model supports making integration decisions in view of the EMI risk.

Typical power levels for smaller aircraft power trains start at 100 kW; levels up to some 10 MW are necessary for the propulsion of large transport aircraft. Fast switching inverters converting high power levels imply a high dV/dt and a significant EMI potential in common mode (CM). This talk will also show how the choice of the inverter and the choice of the power system (IT versus TN network) limits or exacerbates interference. Crosstalk to wiring looms routed adjacently to power train AC cables will further illustrate the effects and provide options for an optimization of a power train from an EMI point of view.


Mr. Garth D’Abreu

ETS-Lindgren, Cedar Park, TX, USA

Reverberation Chambers
Abstract: Interest in reverberation chambers has grown in the last 15 years, almost in step with the increasing complexity and, in some cases, vulnerability of electronic systems. The severity of this test environment, especially for immunity testing, is due to the inherent attributes of a well-designed chamber. There are many parameters that can be optimized to suit the type of testing to be done, ranging from the traditional EMC tests to the more recently developed sensitivity and radiated power tests performed on wireless communication devices. Mr. D’Abreu discusses the important aspects of the design, validation, and testing of reverb chambers, including a look at some of the pitfalls, while drawing on his years of experience in designing chamber installations for EMC and wireless applications.


Dr. Nicolas Mora

Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá, Colombia

Protection of Critical Infrastructures Against IEMI
Abstract: The progress of high power electromagnetic (HPEM) sources during the late 1990s raised concern in the EMC community that they could be deployed for criminal purposes to interfere with the operation of modern electronic systems. It is well established that sufficiently intense electromagnetic fields can cause upset or damage in electronic systems and, therefore, can affect almost every critical infrastructure (CI) based on information and communication technologies (ICT).
Protection against Intentional Electromagnetic Interferences (IEMI) threats can be acknowledged as a reminiscence of the cold war period and the research programs on protection against HEMP. This talk reviews the assessment techniques of the vulnerability of CI against IEMI. To quantify their impact, the IEMI environments need to be characterized, the susceptible components and subsystems of the CI should be identified, and the expected disturbances have to be evaluated.