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Standards Development and Education Committee Officers

ChairAlistair Duffy – De Montfort University
Vice-ChairJens Medler – Rohde & Schwarz  
SecretaryRoss Carlton – Gibbs & Cox


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Standards Development and Education Committee Membership

Stephen Anderson
Henry Benitez
Tom Braxton
Karen Burnham
Ross Carlton
Zhong Chen
Alistair Duffy
Craig Fanning
Domenico Festa
Fred Heather
Dan Hoolihan
Jens Medler
William Morse
John Norgard
Ghery Pettit
Davy Pissoort
Andrew Podgorski
Kimball Williams
Jennifer Santulli (IEEE Standards Association Support)


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Standards Development and Education Committee Meetings

Next SDECom Meeting


SDECom Meeting Files Archive

Guidance for WG Officers

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Guidance for WG Officers

Standards Development and Education Committee Working Group Guidance

Working Group Policies & Procedures

A Working Group (WG) is formed by the IEEE EMC Society’s Standards Development and Education Committee (SDECom) to create or maintain an EMC-related standard. Traditionally, SDECom only establishes Individual WGs where membership and voting is on an individual bases with each member of the WG representing only themselves. Entity WGs where membership and voting is on an entity basis (e. g. company, agency, academic institution) require significant justification for approval. Individual WGs all use the same Policies & Procedures. Follow this link to the latest Working Group Policies & Procedures.

Working Group Status Reports

All Working Groups are required to report their status on at least a yearly basis at the Thursday afternoon meeting of the SDECom during each IEEE Symposium on EMC+SIPI in accordance with Item 2c) of the Working Group Policies & Procedures. The content and format is demonstrated in the recommended Excel template.

Guidance for New Workgroup (WG) Officers

Congratulations on your appointment as a officer of an IEEE EMC Society SDECom Working Group (WG)!  In your new role you are a key leader in the development of IEEE Standards.  By being approved your project has been judged to of high importance to the EMC community and for the development of the discipline of EMC.  The SDECom wishes you every success in this important endeavor and are available to assist you along the way in any way we can.

This page is intended to provide a brief, general overview of how a workgroup is initiated, and conducted.  Much more detail is provided in the documents referenced.

The main IEEE Standards Development webpage can be found at:

1. The first step to initiate a standards project within the EMC Society is that some interested party secures a PAR (Project Authorization Request) and submits it to the SDECom.  Any interested party may submit a PAR. A PAR form (and many other useful documents are available on-line.  The IEEE Standards Style Manual will also be helpful and can be obtained on-line at:

2. Once the project has been approved the officers of the WG should each get a copy of the Standards Style Manual and the Policies and Procedures for the SDECom.  These documents will guide you through the standards development process.

3. The WG then begins its work, develops a technical consensus regarding the various issues facing its project and drafts a document.  The SDECom will request periodic reports on the progress of the WG.  Typically a report is requested for each SDECom meeting, approximately 3-4 times per year.

4. To assist the WG’s in there work space is available on the IEEE Standards WEB Site.  An E-MAIL reflector and discussion board can also be established for the WG.  Work with the SDECom liaison to establish these facilities.  You are encouraged to make use of electronic communications as it will both speed your effort and make participation in your group available to a wider group of people.

5. When the WG has a draft it is satisfied with formal balloting begins.  In order to assure consensus and technical accuracy of all IEEE standards balloting is a careful and methodical process.  You will want to discuss the balloting process in detail with the SDECom officers and work closely with them through this process.

6.  Upon successful completion of the balloting process the IEEE office assigns a technical editor to make final preparation of the draft for publication and to guide the publication.  The WG officers may be called upon at this time to advise the editor in order to assure the technical integrity of the final published standard.

Help for Standards Developers

Should you have questions or comments concerning this material, please contact your IEEE Standards Staff Liaison.

Help for Standards Developers

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Help for Standards Developers

Standards Development and Education Committee Developer Help

Help for Standards Developers

IEEE Standards recently announced that a new section was added to the IEEE Standards web site. Titled “IEEE Standards Process at a Glance,” this area is designed to help guide new working group chairs and other standards developers through the sometimes complex IEEE standards development process. This new tool provides a series of hyperlinks to the official rules and policies, support documents, FAQs, forms, and other materials that can aid volunteers as they develop and maintain IEEE Standards. For ease of use, this new section has been organized according to the chronology of the standards process [Getting Started (the PAR); Writing the Draft; Balloting; and Approval of the Standard (RevCom)].  IEEE Standards hopes you will find this a welcome and useful tool. 

Should you have questions or comments concerning this material, please contact your IEEE Standards Staff Liaison (

Required reading for all participants in the development of IEEE standards:

Copyright and Patents


Draft Development

Required reading for Sponsor and Working Group officers:

Project Authorization Request

Sponsor Balloting

Submitting a draft standard for approval

Optional reading for all participants:

Development and Education

Development and Education

Scope and Purpose

The IEEE EMC Society Standards Development & Education Committee (SDECom) is responsible for sponsoring and guiding the development of IEEE EMC Standards, the training of those involved in the standards making process, and the education of the EMC Society community on all aspects of EMC Standards. The IEEE EMC Society is the primary international developer of fundamental test, measurement and verification standards for EMC.