TC 10 – TAC

TC 10 – TAC

Technical Advisory Committee (TAC)

TAC Charter

The IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Society Technical Advisory Committee is composed of the chairs of each of the 10 Technical Committees and a TAC chair. The scope of the Technical Advisory Committee is to promote the technical advancement of the IEEE EMC Society as a whole and in particular:

  • To coordinate the operations of the various Technical Committees,
  • To propose to the Board of Governors and Officers at Large the formation and where appropriate the dissolution of Technical Committees,
  • To monitor technical activities of other organizations with a view of making recommendations to the Board of Governors and Officers at Large on any required coordination of those activities with activities within the Society.

Interested in Joining?

If you are an IEEE EMC Society member and would like to join one of the technical committees, please contact one of the committee officers with your name and IEEE membership number. The committees meet yearly at the IEEE EMC Symposium.

TC 10 – Officers

TC 10 – Officers

Technical Committee 10 – Signal and Power Integrity

ChairHanfeng Wang
Vice ChairDongHyun (Bill) Kim
SecretaryTao Wang
Technical Program Committee (TPC) ChairXiaoning Ye
Past ChairSongping Wu Chunfei Ye

Interested in joining?

If you are an IEEE EMC Society member and would like to join this technical committee, please contact one of the committee officers with your name and IEEE membership number. The committee meets yearly at the IEEE EMC Symposium.

Have ideas?

If you are not an IEEE member but have a comment or suggestion, we would like to hear from you. Please contact an appropriate TC 10 committee officer with your idea.

TC 10 – Signal and Power Integrity

TC 10 – Signal and Power Integrity

TC 10 – Signal and Power Integrity

This committee is concerned with the design, analysis, simulation, modeling and measurement techniques useful in maintaining the quality of electrical signals and power distribution network in printed circuit boards, ICs and within systems. These activities encompass all aspects of signal and power integrity from the integrated circuit level to the system level.

Interested in joining?

If you are an IEEE EMC Society member and would like to join this technical committee, please contact one of the committee officers with your name and IEEE membership number. The committee meets yearly at the IEEE EMC Symposium.

Have ideas?

If you are not an IEEE member but have a comment or suggestion, we would like to hear from you. Please contact an appropriate TC 10 committee officer with your idea.