SC 5 – TAC

SC 5 – TAC

Technical Advisory Committee (TAC)

TAC Charter

The IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Society Technical Advisory Committee is composed of the chairs of each of the 10 Technical Committees and a TAC chair. The scope of the Technical Advisory Committee is to promote the technical advancement of the IEEE EMC Society as a whole and in particular:

  • To coordinate the operations of the various Technical Committees,
  • To propose to the Board of Governors and Officers at Large the formation and where appropriate the dissolution of Technical Committees,
  • To monitor technical activities of other organizations with a view of making recommendations to the Board of Governors and Officers at Large on any required coordination of those activities with activities within the Society.

Interested in Joining?

If you are an IEEE EMC Society member and would like to join one of the technical committees, please contact one of the committee officers with your name and IEEE membership number. The committees meet yearly at the IEEE EMC Symposium.

SC 5 – Officers

SC 5 – Officers

Special Committee 5 – Power Electronics EMC

ChairProf. Shuo Wang
Vice ChairProf. Chulsoon Hwang Dr. Sebastian Koj
SecretaryDr. Cong Li
Members at LargeMr. Mingchang Wang

Interested in joining?

If you are an IEEE EMC Society member and would like to join this technical committee, please contact one of the committee officers with your name and IEEE membership number. The committee meets yearly at the IEEE EMC Symposium.

Have ideas?

If you are not an IEEE member but have a comment or suggestion, we would like to hear from you. Please contact an appropriate SC 5 committee officer with your idea.

SC 5 – Power Electronics EMC (now merged with TC7)

SC 5 – Power Electronics EMC (now merged with TC7)

SC 5 – Power Electronics EMC (now merged with TC7)

This committee is concerned with power electronics converters EMI/EMC issues. These are mainly, converters that use switching frequency schemes to control the output parameters, such as voltage and current. These converters, including inverters, can be found as an interface between the raw power and the electrical grid to provide the end-user with the desired operating power. Applications can range from grid-connected PV systems, wind farms, automotive, aerospace, and communication systems.

SC 5 embraces and is dedicated to the following EMI/EMC topics in power electronics.

  1. Conductive, near field and radiated EMI and EMC issues resulted from power electronics systems in the wide range of applications which include but is not limited to:

    Medical equipment, transportation, data center, lighting, appliance, consumer electronics, alternative energy, vessels, electric and hybrid vehicles, energy storage, industry robot, aviation and airspace, train and light rail, communications, and computing, etc. 
  2. EMI/EMC issues in:

    Switching mode AC/DC, DC/DC, DC/AC, and AC/DC power conversions at a power level from mW to Meg watt and with an EMI spectrum from kHz to GHz. From passive and active devices to conventional Si and advanced wide-bandgap power modules, to PCBs, to subsystems and full systems. 
  3. Advanced techniques in measurement, modeling, and reduction of EMI as well as the improvement of EMC and susceptibility. 
  4. Advanced solutions to the EMI/EMC issues in the state-of-the-art power electronics technologies in emerging areas such as wireless power transfer, Internet of things, hardware security, electrification of transportation, resilient and smart energy, etc. 

The proposed SC may involve the following TCs:

TC 2 – EMC Measurements
TC 4 – EMI Control
TC 7 – Low-Frequency EMC
TC 10 – Signal Integrity

SC 5 structures
  1. Officers: Chair, vice chairs, secretary. Organize committee meetings, conferences, and other activities. 
  2. Members at Large: Actively assist officers and connect SC 5 with other communities. Can be nominated by SC 5 officers and existing members at large, and unanimously approved by officers.
  3. Members: Any IEEE EMC-S members who want to join SC 5.
Interested in joining?

If you are an IEEE EMC Society member and would like to join this special committee, please contact one of the committee SC 5 officers with your name and IEEE membership number. The committee primarily will communicate electronically and using teleconferencing.  It will also meet face to face as needed and at the annual IEEE EMC Symposium.

Have ideas?

If you are not an IEEE member but have a comment or suggestion, we would like to hear from you. Please contact an appropriate committee officer with your ideas.